Thursday, 20 November 2014

He also said "oh my furry whiskers, I'm late I'm late I'm late"

It's been at least 12 days since my last post.
I don't know, three posts in and I'm already running behind. If it's any comfort I have had a draft of a post in my list for a week at least. I'm just waiting for a spare minute to fit in some photographing of previous stuff. I thought I would do a little history of stuff I've made before I show you what I'm working on now but, well, I just cannot be bothered to get off my behind in the rare times I get to sit down and breathe.
The post will surface eventually, I promise.

In the meantime, let me share some plans with you as - DUN DUN DUUUUUUN -

You beauty, come to mama!

So, the first thing I'm making is a Ruby dress from the free pattern in issue 4 of Love Sewing magazine. I have it planned in a lovely piece of medium weight cotton with a black and gold floral pattern that I picked up on a brief visit to Goldhawk Road. (PLEASE someone take me back! That place is amazing and I think if I could drag someone who knows what they're doing in a fabric shop I could find even more awesome stuff!)

And then I will be adventuring into knits in combining the Colette Mabel skirt with a cheapy-cheap-cheap piece of Black Watch tartan stretch that I got from Birmingham Outdoor Market. Just as an experiment to see how it goes. If I come out with a wearable garment, that will be a bonus!

After that I fancy doing something with buttons because YAY FIVE BUTTON HOLE FUNCTIONS! What the hell do I need five for?! but I'm gonna use them anyway! So suggestions on a postcard* for (relatively easy) garments with buttons please?!

*by postcard I mean comment...

That's all folks!
(for now anyway, I will find time to take photos I promise!)


  1. Really excited for you getting your new machine, the Ruby dress looks like the perfect pattern for a Christmas party frock!

  2. EEEEEEE you got a new machine! I'm a bit late to the party but EEEEEEEEEE XX
