Saturday, 8 November 2014

Change of a Dress and a Birmingham Shopping Trip

First off, you can not follow my blog with Bloglovin!

This past weekend I've been watching far too much Sex and the City, considering I used to have all six seasons on my laptop and both films on regular rotation it's safe to say I missed it. Sunday morning, though, I got a short spurt of inspiration.
Ignore my toes

I bought this Annie Greenabelle elasticated paper-bag waist sample skirt at a vintage fair in Leicester for £8 thinking it looked quite sweet however when I got it home and tried it on it looked... awful. The shape does not suit me considering I have a very small waist compared to the rest of my junk, my dad says I looked like a bell with it on and the scrunched up waist looked a bit silly. Anyway I decided to put it away with vague thoughts of up-cycling and turning it into something else.

(F.Y.I. I am really proud of those belt loops)

Roll on a year later and I discovered the Delphine Skirt pattern in Tilly's Love at First Stitch (again - I just can't get enough of that book and it's beautiful patterns!). I've made one Delphine already out of some fabric I bagged at the SewBrum pattern and fabric swap (yes I totally copied the one from the book - sorry, not sorry 'cos that one is b-e-a-utiful!) which I wore for the first time on Sunday visiting my Nan.

Never want to unpick over locking ever. again.

I had to skim in the A line a bit because the skirt pieces were NARROW after I'd unpicked the original piece (why did no one tell me how much of a bitch unpicking overlocked seams was?!). I even had to kind of ignore the grainline a bit on the back pattern pieces because of it and place it a little skew-whiff. When I unpicked the skirt I kept the belt loops and the (seemingly pointless) belt/tie/thing just in case and because , well, I'm lazy and if I can save a wee bit of effort by keeping belt loops then yay!


As I don't have access to an overlocker after Thursday afternoons, I decided to try my hand at french seams for the side seams which I've only ever done before on Mors Bags. Surprisingly enough, I did ok! The waistband and (extra small) zip went in as normal and tadaa all done!

et voila!

I did want to wear this to Birmingham today but I tried it on this morning and after going out for a big dinner for my mum and brothers birthdays it was a wee bit tight even with suck-me-in-pants on. That and my mum looked me up and down and said "nah" at the t-shirt I chose to wear with it.

Today was super fun I met some lovely new people (I'm so sorry, I am awful with names and have forgotten most of them even though there was only 6 of us!) and got to chill with Rachel (over at rachagainstthesewingmachine) again after meeting her at SewBrum. We did the same trip of Barrys, Fancy Silk and the Rag Market but this time Rach gave us a guided tour of the indoor market bits. We then caught the 50 over to Moseley to go to Guthrie & Ghani.
I'd made it my mission to buy the Colette Mabel pattern so that I could have a go at sewing with knit fabrics and after being momentarily blind in Guthrie & Ghani, managed to locate it on the pattern stand. I was also torn between Tilly's Coco and the Colette Sencha pattern but decided on the Coco since I was on a knit-based mission. 
I was also on the look out for some mustard coloured jersey as I've got a vision in my head of a gorgeously soft mustard Mabel but the one in Guthrie was a little out of my price range (basically I'd blown my budget on fabric already) so that will have to go on the back bench for a while.
Overall, it was a very successful and fun day; new friends, fabric and patterns!
I did think of getting a photo of all of us but as seen in my last post, I am not the most photogenic of girls and I didn't want to be *that* person who makes everyone stop just to smile into a lens.
Here's some imagery of todays gains:

Ignore the furry red in the fabric photo, that's just the living room rug.

Beginning writing these posts has reminded me what an awful memory I have, the amount of times I've been driving/cooking/sewing/breathing and thought of something I should tell you guys and then promptly forgotten... and that's just in the past week.
There is no hope...
Samantha, we think the same you an' me.

Also, machine update - my vouchers from DMU haven't turned up yet so no new Brother *sigh*
And now I'm going to sit here, drink my toffee apple cider and finish watching the Scotland  -Argentina match.


  1. i really wish i could've been there... i have new fabric to show you guys! that delphine skirt is super pretty :)

    1. We should have another one! Or even just me, you, Rach and Toria one weekend :)
      I have to work hard on my diet this week so I can fit back in it! Stupid birthdays making me fat haha
